Directed by Jessica Champneys
Run Time: 8 Minutes, USA
When Dresca - an injured imperial pilot - is rescued by rebels after the Battle of Endor, she must choose between her loyalty to the Empire and the kindness of strangers she once thought of as monsters.
The Man From Another Dimension
Directed by Wes Whittaker
Run Time: 10 Minutes, USA
A young woman is forced into prostitution by a dangerous pimp and her first client claims to be from another dimension.
Pushing Skills
Directed by Michael A Krehan
Run Time: 17 Minutes, USA
A street-smart hustler uses his invention to give people extraordinary skills for few hours but finds himself in trouble when the wrong people hear about it.
The Villagers
Directed by Joseph Vasey
Run Time: 9 Minutes, Australia
An astronaut and scientist finds herself lost on an alien planet. All she has is a case with some basic tools and a broken wrist communicator. The rest of her crew is gone and something has been stalking her for several days, never getting any closer. What is it waiting for? What does it want?
Real Connection
Directed by Thierry Denis
Run Time: 12 Minutes, USA
An astronaut and scientist finds herself lost on an alien planet. All she has is a case with some basic tools and a broken wrist communicator. The rest of her crew is gone and something has been stalking her for several days, never getting any closer. What is it waiting for? What does it want?
Directed by Michael McCallum
Run Time: 8 Minutes, USA
A famous author is struggling to finish his next novel and discovers a postcard he has mailed to himself from the future warning of an upcoming danger.
Directed by Louis Minnaar
Run Time: 25 Minutes, South Africa
In the near future, an earth couple called Daniel and Eli find themselves in the furthest reaches of our galaxy. A life-threatening crisis onboard their spaceship forces them to confront difficult decisions and to re-evaluate their past and future.